Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Work out your frustated constipated ass

On another casual fine frustrating morning of march the year 2009. A hard working employee came to know about one more opportunity slaughtered in the name of regionalism, language, sex or religion in our secular, sovereign democratic republic of India. Just because you are a high performer does not imply that all good opportunities are meant for you. This happens once in a while is just an illusion and actually a cliche. The opportunities never come
Oh there is a new project absolutely matching your experience and skill set but then you are doing good in your present responsibilities. And the client is happy about your performance and might not accept your change to some other team.

The other client is introducing new systems and you can fit in there but its a long process of moving you from the present project to a different project. The present project manager won't let you shift.
Well we have heard it time and again and lets hear it once more - if the management wants to screw you there is nothing you can do.

One reason why people tend to do their masters after a certain amount of corporate experience was now well experienced and felt by me. I wished I was never bitten by the CAT bug but it was imminent and inescapable. One significant discovery about myself can be well attributed to this Corporate world, the capacity to work harder than I could have imagined as a college student and manage an entire team with out even being a designated senior.

I have loved working at my first and present job and would continue to, but the lack of appreciation has gone beyond my self respect and ego. The joy of problem solving and doing things beyond one's imagination has kept me hooked but its time that I let all the hard earned respect, knowledge and experience go and start my own business with no one to manage me.